High School Students

We know that high school is hard, from academics to sports to forming your own opinions and beliefs.  What are you going to do when your faith is tested?  What are you going to do when you're tempted?  These are the questions we ask each other as we dive into Scripture weekly for guidance and answers.


Sunday Morning

Everyone meets at 11:00 AM in Room 206 for worship. After, we break off for small groups where we'll talk about the teaching and pray for one another. 


Wednesday Night

We meet from 7 to 9 PM in Room 206. We spend time in community, play games, and invest in one another in small groups. 


Camps & Trips

Hume Lake, Yosemite, and Santa Cruz are some of our favorite places to visit every year. Be on the lookout for events and announcements. 

Questions? Contact Mark.