Family Devotionals
Check out our Family Devotional Archive for a list of devotionals in both English and Spanish. Our devotionals include activities and discussion questions to do with your children to foster Biblical conversations.
This D6 resource provides three short devotionals for families to use throughout the week. It includes Scripture, questions, and some hands-on activities. Sign up here.
Dinner Table Devotions
by Nancie Guthrie
This devotional guide helps families start where they are already gathered together on a daily basis―around the dinner table. It helps facilitate meaningful family discussions every day.
Family Faith Talks: 100 Discipleship Activities and Conversation Starters
by Sandy Atwood
This book is filled with simple ideas to help you include God in your everyday activities. It provides over 100 practical ways to talk with children about God. There are game ideas, questions to ask, Bible verses to read, and prayers to pray. Most don’t require any other items (except for a few science or cooking experiments). You might be surprised at how eager your kids are to learn from you!
Big Truths for Young Hearts: Teaching and Learning the Greatness of God
by Bruce Ware
Enables parents of children 6 to 14 years of age to teach through the whole of systematic theology in an understandable, chapter-a-day format. Parents can teach their children the great truths of the faith and shape their worldviews early, based on these truths.
The Big Book Of Questions and Answers
by Sinclair Ferguson
Questions! Questions! Questions! Children are full of them. Where did I come from? What is God like? Is there only one God? This book is a family guide to the Christian Faith that will help you to answer these questions. This is a book for families to discover the key doctrines of Christianity in a way that stimulates discussion and helps children want to know more. Each page is set out in a clear child-friendly way with A Question, The Answer, A Memory Verse, Reading Time, Talking Time, Action Time and Prayer Time. Recommended for ages 5 to 10.
The Big Book of Questions & Answers About Jesus: A Family Guide to Jesus' Life and Ministry
by Sinclair Ferguson
This book tackles the many questions that children have about Jesus, including: What was so special about Jesus? Why did Jesus heal sick people? Why did Jesus have to die? How can I give my life to Jesus? Recommended for ages 5 to 10.
The Big Book of Bible Truths 1
by Sinclair Ferguson
You can never have too many stories! Children love them: We all do! And who better to hear about in a story than the great storyteller himself, Jesus. Through the stories in this book, you will find out about him, his life, how he wants to get to know you. Sinclair tells twenty–seven stories that will teach you about what it means to be a Christian. Recommended for ages 5 to 10.
Family Time Activities Books
Bubbles, Balloons, & Chocolate
by Kirk Weaver
Action-packed lessons teach about Lazarus, Ezekiel, Dorcas, David, Daniel, Cain, Samson, Lot and Abraham, and of course, Jesus Himself. Object lessons demonstrate for preschoolers abstract concepts such as invisible, powerful, sin, and eternal. This book is for families with preschoolers.
Seeing is Believing
by Kirk Weaver
It’s time to show your kids the truths you want them to understand. Object lessons and science experiments help children learn about God’s promises, the Holy Spirit, and even how sin can entrap us. Use simple household objects like a jar, string, and a hair dryer to illustrate the power of peer pressure. This book is for children of all ages.
Wiggles, Giggles, & Popcorn
by Kirk Weaver
Preschoolers are special people. They're energetic and inquisitive and will love acting out the story of Noah's Ark, hunting around the house for baby Moses, and telling the story of Ruth with colorful pipe-cleaner people. Each lesson is easy to follow and is packed full of Scripture verses and hands-on fun. This book is for families with preschoolers.